hm gue udah lama ngga ol ya,abis 3 hari ini gue lagi baca newmoon akhirnya selesai juga itu buku. can't wait for the movie! :)
terus kemaren hari jumat gue abis dari sency nemenin rifka beli !@#$%^& sama nemenin windy beli!#$%^di ps. abis nemenin mereka berdua gue buka puasa di fod court-.- oiya gue kesana cuma sama rifka windy meta aja. kan yg jemput gue bunda tuh,soalnya dia abis dari kantor mau belanja dulu.sebelum bunda nyampe gue ke debenhams nyari kado buat bunda ultah 17agustus kemaren dan akhirnya gue beli inimaaf ya bun cuma beli ini,abis kan nyokap gue seneng jerapah sebenernya dia ngoleksi nici yg jerapah,berhubung gue ganemu nici jerapah jadi gue beli yg ini haha bentuknya kayak sapi -.-
waktu nyokap udah nyampe sency dia makan di secret recipe,trs gue samperin kesana gue lgsg aja kasih kadonya tanpa dibungkus he,tapi harganya udah dicopot kok wk.
habis makan disitu bunda mau nyari sepatu,trs gue minta baju kebunda tapi gadibolehin,padahal gue udah blg "bun,banyak yg lagi sale loh bun debenhams sale,zara sale,tuh braun buffel sale, trs topman sale, ke topman aja deh bun aku pengen kaosnya" jawabannya singkat jelas dan padat "ngga" trs gue nyerah ngebujuk akhirnya gue cuma minta beliin novel eclipse di TGA trs bunda beli cd di Sangaji music.
selesai beli sepatu bunda dan kawannya itu gue mau balik,tapi gue blm menyerah! gue tetep minta dibeliin baju.trs gue narik bunda ke topman soalnya kalo ke debenhams atau zara yg lagi sale itu kejauhan.akhirnya bunda blg "liat aja ya,ngga beli" oke akhirnya gue ke topman liatliat tapi bunda mukanya ketauan ganiat beliin.wkt udah masuk gue nemu kaos yg gue pengenin dan harganya ga mahalmahal amat.AKHIRNYA NYOKAP GUE MAU BELIIN -.- susah kan bujuknya.
masa gelang disana 9 biji 300rb hahah yg beli bego tuh.di jogja aja 1000 satu,kualitasnya sama aja perasaan.
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Monday, August 24, 2009
maaf lagi ya
maaf ya kalo gue ada salah yg disengaja&ngga disengaja
gue takut hp gue dicopet karna karma
doain gue cepet dapet gantinya ya :]
maaf ya kalo gue ada salah yg disengaja&ngga disengaja
gue takut hp gue dicopet karna karma
doain gue cepet dapet gantinya ya :]
kenapa gue jadi sial
yatuhaaaaaaaaan lagi puasa gini malah sial bgt
tadi jadi gue mau ke ssc tuh ya naik angkot sama Jupiter Amel, gue udah ngosngosan larilari ke gerbang depan muter lewat belakang.
padahal lagi damai gitu ya tenang tenang,pertama yg naik cuma gue bertiga sama ada 3 anak sma cewe semua trs perlahan banyak bapak bapak naik gitu trs ada emas emas satu duduk sebelah gua. penampilannya biasa biasa aja
tibatiba wkt lagi sunyi tenang gitu............................. masmas sebelah gue mual muntahmuntah trs lebay abis HOEEEEEEEEEK HOEEEEEEEEEEEK HOOOOOOOOEEEEEEEEEEEK begitu begitu mulu dia, trs gue panik bgt, tibatiba dia megangin gue gitu trs dia buka jendela dibelakang gue mau ngeluarin muntah.wkt gue nengok ga ada yg keluar muntahnya tp gue mau diapain org sakit gitu kan ya.
trs tibatiba dia dorong dorong gue sumpah lebay abis sampe gue gabisa duduk trs gue jongkok tau ga sih di tengah angkot,gue mau duduk gabisa bisa ihhhhhhhhh kesel bgt yg anak sma cewe juga panik tuh. tibatiba dia blg "bang saya turun sini aja HOEK HOEK" wkt turun dia malah jalan santai. lah bingung gua
udah tuh gue santai aja. wkt turun gue liat tas gue...............................................jeng jeng HAPE GUE ILAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAANG,PASTI ORG YG TADI MUNTAH MUNTAH NGAMBIL TUH.trs gue pinjem hp jupe nelfon ayah eh ayah malah ketawa ketawa,haduh si ayah aku lagi panik begini -,-
ah dasar ngehe,kalo lagi ga puasa gue pasti udah nyebutin seluruh isi taman safari dari mulut gue ck. cobaan puasa nih
skrg gue pake hp esia,nomer gue ilang semuaaaaaaaaa terutama sms gueeeee yatuhan itutuh benerbener gue simpen dari pertama kali jadian ck nyesek deh.OIYA YG DIMNTIAIN TP SAMA NOMER M3 GUE JANGAN MAU YE.kak alip jd korban maaf ya kak
tadi jadi gue mau ke ssc tuh ya naik angkot sama Jupiter Amel, gue udah ngosngosan larilari ke gerbang depan muter lewat belakang.
padahal lagi damai gitu ya tenang tenang,pertama yg naik cuma gue bertiga sama ada 3 anak sma cewe semua trs perlahan banyak bapak bapak naik gitu trs ada emas emas satu duduk sebelah gua. penampilannya biasa biasa aja
tibatiba wkt lagi sunyi tenang gitu............................. masmas sebelah gue mual muntahmuntah trs lebay abis HOEEEEEEEEEK HOEEEEEEEEEEEK HOOOOOOOOEEEEEEEEEEEK begitu begitu mulu dia, trs gue panik bgt, tibatiba dia megangin gue gitu trs dia buka jendela dibelakang gue mau ngeluarin muntah.wkt gue nengok ga ada yg keluar muntahnya tp gue mau diapain org sakit gitu kan ya.
trs tibatiba dia dorong dorong gue sumpah lebay abis sampe gue gabisa duduk trs gue jongkok tau ga sih di tengah angkot,gue mau duduk gabisa bisa ihhhhhhhhh kesel bgt yg anak sma cewe juga panik tuh. tibatiba dia blg "bang saya turun sini aja HOEK HOEK" wkt turun dia malah jalan santai. lah bingung gua
udah tuh gue santai aja. wkt turun gue liat tas gue...............................................jeng jeng HAPE GUE ILAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAANG,PASTI ORG YG TADI MUNTAH MUNTAH NGAMBIL TUH.trs gue pinjem hp jupe nelfon ayah eh ayah malah ketawa ketawa,haduh si ayah aku lagi panik begini -,-
ah dasar ngehe,kalo lagi ga puasa gue pasti udah nyebutin seluruh isi taman safari dari mulut gue ck. cobaan puasa nih
skrg gue pake hp esia,nomer gue ilang semuaaaaaaaaa terutama sms gueeeee yatuhan itutuh benerbener gue simpen dari pertama kali jadian ck nyesek deh.OIYA YG DIMNTIAIN TP SAMA NOMER M3 GUE JANGAN MAU YE.kak alip jd korban maaf ya kak
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Friday, August 21, 2009
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Friday, August 14, 2009
I will stop plurking
and start tweet!
with my new (third) twitter
follow me.and i will follow yours :]
and start tweet!
with my new (third) twitter
follow me.and i will follow yours :]
Thursday, August 13, 2009
ahuahuahauhauhauah keren ga? itu gue sendiri loh yang moto waakwakwawkakwakwakw (apasih) ea bangga ah gua. keren ga keren gua bangga ye gimana. itu gue dapetnya lagi sunrise di ternate jam 7 PAGI!! gue disuruh bangun sama ayah biasanya kalo pergi gue jam 8an baru bangun. trs gue disuruh foto pemandangannya gitu.
oiya no edit loh headernya -_- sebenernya ga gue edit karna gue ngga ngerti.nasib nasib
tuh liat hasilnya gua ngedit kayak begini doang.ini juga gue cuma ngedit di picnik! bukan di adobe photo shop. gapunya skill -,-
ahuahuahauhauhauah keren ga? itu gue sendiri loh yang moto waakwakwawkakwakwakw (apasih) ea bangga ah gua. keren ga keren gua bangga ye gimana. itu gue dapetnya lagi sunrise di ternate jam 7 PAGI!! gue disuruh bangun sama ayah biasanya kalo pergi gue jam 8an baru bangun. trs gue disuruh foto pemandangannya gitu.
oiya no edit loh headernya -_- sebenernya ga gue edit karna gue ngga ngerti.nasib nasib
tuh liat hasilnya gua ngedit kayak begini doang.ini juga gue cuma ngedit di picnik! bukan di adobe photo shop. gapunya skill -,-
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
gue kesana tanggal 889. tanggal itu lagi Anniv sama Reza 3 bulan! sama Raye Rifka Tinah Temi Noval. karna gue males ngetik jadi gue ngasih fotonya dibanyakin ya hahah
akhirnya secondhand mulai! setelah nunggu 1jam berdiri
aaaa keren banget,kita paling depan loooh
waktu lagu yourcall nelfon reza tapi gadiangkat-angkat :'(
kita udah capek banget liat aja mukanya
oh nooooooo Mr.Big kita dibelakang banget
terus ya waktu Mr.Big gue ditinggal ber3 sama rifka temi,gue bengoong aja disitu sekeliling gue lagi pacaran semua. hampir nangis tuh.....
eh ada yang pacaran nih
karna bosen akhirnya kita kabur dan foto foto
Tinah Raye naik ginian Gue Rifka Temi menanggung malu
ini baru nyampe terus gue kebelet pipis jadi ke pantai dulu...
kita nonton /rif loh tadinya cuma niat nunggu secondhand
masa sebelah kita anak semarang pecinta /rif gitu ih dia masa buka baju mana bulu keteknya banyak bauuuuuu banget Allahuakbar!
ups........ pantat siapa nih (piss)
nunggu secondhand panaaas! tapi sempet beli aqua
kita nonton /rif loh tadinya cuma niat nunggu secondhand
masa sebelah kita anak semarang pecinta /rif gitu ih dia masa buka baju mana bulu keteknya banyak bauuuuuu banget Allahuakbar!
ups........ pantat siapa nih (piss)
nunggu secondhand panaaas! tapi sempet beli aqua
akhirnya secondhand mulai! setelah nunggu 1jam berdiri
aaaa keren banget,kita paling depan loooh
waktu lagu yourcall nelfon reza tapi gadiangkat-angkat :'(
kita udah capek banget liat aja mukanya
oh nooooooo Mr.Big kita dibelakang banget
terus ya waktu Mr.Big gue ditinggal ber3 sama rifka temi,gue bengoong aja disitu sekeliling gue lagi pacaran semua. hampir nangis tuh.....
eh ada yang pacaran nih
karna bosen akhirnya kita kabur dan foto foto
Tinah Raye naik ginian Gue Rifka Temi menanggung malu
waktu jam 12 gue mau ntn efek rumah kaca tapi ngga nemu stagenya -.- akhirnya nonton GRIBS(gondrong kribo beraudara) hahaha cool ya. udah jam 2 gue Rifka Rye Tinah pulang,mereka semua nginep dirumah gue dan kita baru nyampe rumah jam 4! GANTENG BENER YAAAAAAAA.
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Omegle 2
You: eh
You: kangen deh
Stranger: hi
You: wuhuuuu
Stranger: hahahaha
Stranger: ngaco lo
Stranger: siapa nih?
You: yah indo
You: malu bet gua
You: tadinya mau bikin kesel bule
You: -_____-
Stranger: haha
Stranger: iseng bgt
You: abis dari kemaren ganemu indo
You: kesel banget
Stranger: ni gw yg ke 2 nemu indo
Stranger: haha
You: baru baru 1 hari ini
Stranger: lo anak mana?
You: smabel,lo?
Stranger: ooh masih sma
Stranger: gw kuliah
You: smp malahan -.-
Stranger: nama lo siapa?
Stranger: oh iya ya, hahaaha
You: lo di jakarta?
Stranger: iyalah, kalo ga di jakarta mana tau smabel guee
You: abis tadi sma padahal itu smp hahahah
Stranger: biasa udah lupa sama kehidupan sekolah
Stranger: haha
You: hahah asik deh
You: umur brp?
Stranger: baru 19
You: hoooo, ttp aja mudaan gue
You: haha iyalah
Stranger: -.-
Stranger: dah ah gw mau nyari bule dulu
Stranger: okee
You: oke
wuuhuuu SO SHY
wuuhuuu SO SHY
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
The buttons on my phone are worn thin
I don't think that I knew the chaos I was getting in.
But I've broken all my promises to you
I've broken all my promises to you.
Why do you do this to me?
Why do you do this so easily?
You make it hard to smile because
You make it hard to breathe
Why do you do this to me?
A phrasing that's a single tear,
Iis harder than I ever feared
And you were left feeling so alone.
Because these days aren't easy
Like they have been once before
These days aren't easy anymore.
Why do you do this to me?
Why do you do this so easily?
You make it hard to smile because
You make it hard to breathe
Why do you do this to me?
To me, to me, to me...
I should've known this wasn't real
And fought it off and fought to feel
What matters most? Everything
That you feel while listening to every word that I sing.
I promise you I will bring you home
I will bring you home.
Why do you do this to me?
Why do you do this so easily?
You make it hard to smile because
You make it hard to breathe
Why do you do this to me?
Why do you do this to me?
Why do you do this so easily?
You make it hard to smile because
You make it hard to breathe
Why do you do this to me?
To me, to me, to me...
yang warna merah nyeri banget tuh ck.
I don't think that I knew the chaos I was getting in.
But I've broken all my promises to you
I've broken all my promises to you.
Why do you do this to me?
Why do you do this so easily?
You make it hard to smile because
You make it hard to breathe
Why do you do this to me?
A phrasing that's a single tear,
Iis harder than I ever feared
And you were left feeling so alone.
Because these days aren't easy
Like they have been once before
These days aren't easy anymore.
Why do you do this to me?
Why do you do this so easily?
You make it hard to smile because
You make it hard to breathe
Why do you do this to me?
To me, to me, to me...
I should've known this wasn't real
And fought it off and fought to feel
What matters most? Everything
That you feel while listening to every word that I sing.
I promise you I will bring you home
I will bring you home.
Why do you do this to me?
Why do you do this so easily?
You make it hard to smile because
You make it hard to breathe
Why do you do this to me?
Why do you do this to me?
Why do you do this so easily?
You make it hard to smile because
You make it hard to breathe
Why do you do this to me?
To me, to me, to me...
yang warna merah nyeri banget tuh ck.
Like a Knife
I did a lot, I know you say
I've got to get away.
"The world is not yours for the taking"
Is all you ever say.
I know I'm not the best for you,
But promise that you'll stay.
'Cause if I watch you go,
You'll see me wasting, you'll see me wasting away
'Cause today, you walked out of my life
'Cause today, your words felt like a knife
I'm not living this life.
Goodbyes are meant for lonely people standing in the rain
And no matter where I go it's always pouring all the same.
These streets are filled with memories
Both good for detected pain
And all I wanna do is love you
But I'm the only one to blame.
'Cause today, you walked out of my life
'Cause today, your words felt like a knife
I'm not living this life.
But what do I know, if you're leaving
All you did was stop the bleeding.
But these scars will stay forever,
These scars will stay forever
And these words have no meaning
If we cannot find the feeling
That we held on to together
Try your hardest to remember
Stay with me,
Or watch me bleed,
I need you just to breathe.
'Cause today, you walked out of my life
(stay with me, or watch me bleed)
'Cause today, your words felt like a knife
(i need you just to breathe.)
I'm not living this life
nothing to say,lagunya sedih abis ye gue dengerin beberapa kali nangis mulu huwowowhowhow, apa ini yang sekarang lagi gue rasain? hmm gatau dah. ohya bytheway HAPPY BIRTHDAY TINZE!
I've got to get away.
"The world is not yours for the taking"
Is all you ever say.
I know I'm not the best for you,
But promise that you'll stay.
'Cause if I watch you go,
You'll see me wasting, you'll see me wasting away
'Cause today, you walked out of my life
'Cause today, your words felt like a knife
I'm not living this life.
Goodbyes are meant for lonely people standing in the rain
And no matter where I go it's always pouring all the same.
These streets are filled with memories
Both good for detected pain
And all I wanna do is love you
But I'm the only one to blame.
'Cause today, you walked out of my life
'Cause today, your words felt like a knife
I'm not living this life.
But what do I know, if you're leaving
All you did was stop the bleeding.
But these scars will stay forever,
These scars will stay forever
And these words have no meaning
If we cannot find the feeling
That we held on to together
Try your hardest to remember
Stay with me,
Or watch me bleed,
I need you just to breathe.
'Cause today, you walked out of my life
(stay with me, or watch me bleed)
'Cause today, your words felt like a knife
(i need you just to breathe.)
I'm not living this life
nothing to say,lagunya sedih abis ye gue dengerin beberapa kali nangis mulu huwowowhowhow, apa ini yang sekarang lagi gue rasain? hmm gatau dah. ohya bytheway HAPPY BIRTHDAY TINZE!
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