Monday, September 21, 2009

►Perfect: absolutely not
►Tall: bantet iya
►In your pajamas : gapunya pajamas- -
►Left handed: nyeh
LAST (give 2 answers)
►Friend you saw: lupaa
►Talked to on the phone: bundooo
►Person to text you: adli
►Is today better than yesterday? No way! Yesterday was so much fun
FAVORITE (give 2 answers)

►Number: 30 and um 7 maybe?
►Color: red&grey
►Food: mie&kwetiaw
►Place: rumah keluarga besar&tempat makan
Q: What was the first thing you did
this morning when you got up?
► liatin orang ngobrol
Q: Do you have anything bothering you
► no,I think?
Q: What's the last movie you watched
in theaters?
► the proposal
Q: Where is the last place you went?
► taman safari!
Q. Do you smile a lot?
► ugh I don't know
Q: Do you wish upon stars?
► menyekutukan Allah -_-
Q: Are you a friendly person?
► hmm
Q: Where did you sleep last night?
► kamar bundo
Q: Why did you sleep there?
► kamar gua dipake budee
Q: When was the last time you cried?
► sudah lupa tuh
Q: What was your last thought before going to bed?
► solaaaaat
Q: Rate life as of right now, one
being bad, ten being great?
► eight maybe?
Q: What do you hear right now?
► suara mobil lewat
Q: Does anything hurt you right now?
► don't know don't care
Q: What's your favorite month?
► januari dannnnn desember
Are you missing someone right now?
► not really
Are you single?
►iyee njinx
Are you tired?
► not really
Are your parents still married?
► iyelah
► Real name? Anisa sher shah rasyid (kurang arab apa coba tuh)
► Nick Name: anisa &sesha
► Age? 13
► Eye color? black
► Male or female? female
► Single? Iye baccot
► crushing? agak trauma jadi ban serep
► Smart? HOH -_-
► Hair color? black
► Sweats or Jeans? jeans
► Phone or Camera? Camera
► Health freak? Healthh laaaah
► Righty or lefty? righty
► SMOKE or Drink? Astaghfirullah,tapi kalo prefer smoke lah ga dosa
►First best friend? Lupa
►First award? Lomba gambar pas tk
►First enemy? Lupa
►First pet? Ikan>>> udah mati boy
►First vacation? Sudah lupa tuhh
► Eating? No
► Drinking? No
► Listening to? Nothing
► Plans for tommorow? Dufan!
►Waiting for? Food
►Lips or eyes? eyes
►Shorter or taller? taller
►Romantic or spontaneous? Spontaneous lah biar seru
►Sensitive or loud? Idk
►Hook-up or in a relationship? In a relationship
►Drank hard drinks? nope
►Lost glasses/contacts? Nope
►Ran away from home? nope
►Broken someone's heart? Idk
►Been arrested? Nope
►Do you like someone? Nope,gua ga secepet itu kalee -_- emang dia..bajing
►Are you seriously happy with
where you are in life? iya lah

Thursday, September 17, 2009

now I know why I still can't forget you btch.because my room wall is full of your fckin name.ugh

fix you

When you try your best but you don't succeed
When you get what you want but not what you need
When you feel so tired but you can't sleep
Stuck in reverse.

And the tears come streaming down your face
When you lose something you can't replace
When you love someone but it goes to waste
Could it be worse?

Lights will guide you home
And ignite your bones
And I will try to fix you

And high up above earth or down below
When you're too in love to let it go
But if you never try you'll never know
Just what you're worth

Lights will guide you home
And ignite your bones
And I will try to fix you

Tears stream, down your face
When you lose something you cannot replace
Tears stream down your face and I...

Tears stream, down your face
I promise you I will learn from my mistakes
Tears stream down your face and I...

Lights will guide you home
And ignite your bones
And I will try to fix you.

I heart this song <3

Wednesday, September 16, 2009


Besok keluarga besar madura gue ke jakartaaa!! Can't wait to meet them <3 jadi bsk gue ke airport jemput mereka,balik,terus nganter mereka ke depok nginep dirumah masReza sampe lebaran trs nanti habis lebaran mau ke dufan sama taman safari rame rame! Aaaaaaa love them so much!

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

kemaren masa mau bukpus sama eds ujungnya cuma sama rara rana meta -_- sepi bener.trs sebelum buka nonton dulu sama rara meta the proposal.kocak bgt gaboong.tapi ada bokepnya -_- padahal lagi puasa wk.

Sunday, September 13, 2009


oke lalala 13 9 9 gitu ya.senasib gue sama rika,tapi dia mah langsung dapet yang baru hahaha asik abis. keep moving forward aja ya ses.gue kemaren dapet banyak banget nasehat dari orang. ini raisa omongannya keren banget deh

raye says:
anggep lo itu besi dan dia itu api
api mungkin lebih kuat dari besi dan api bisa nyakitin besi
tapi karna api lo bisa jadi baja,jadi lebih kuat
jading anggep walaupun dia nyakitin lo
tapi lo jadi bisa lebih kuat dan tegar

pokoknya sekitar itu deh,maaf ray kalo ada yg beda nanti gue edit lagi deh gue tanya raye dulu hee.trs juga makasih ya rifka temi ya tuhan kalian berdua baik banget ahuahuahwuahwuahwau. ah shit but still,even i'm not cry even i laugh in front of everyone. i still feel the pain,kenapa gue baru tau sekarang? kenapa ga dari dulu sebelum *&^%@#!#. penyesalan selalu dateng belakangan ya hhh. "the truth hurts but lies worse" ahhhh i hate those words. maybe if i know it from the first time this things will never happened.NEVER.niatnya gue gamau berakhir rusuh tapi kebawa emosi gue.gue blm terima kenyataan,ga gampang buat gue.sorry ya
but these are to hard for me.since i know the truth is not only because "that word"

lo tau ga yg gue benci banget dari lo you know how to hurt someone especially me

Saturday, September 5, 2009

oh boy

aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Lucas Till <3<3 masa gue baru sadar dia ganteng -,-. kayaknya ini pertama kali gue suka sama actor disney abis biasanya kayak banci mukanya minta ditonjok.
kalo yg ini gue suka sama namanya Sergio Pizzorno keren ya? (k)

trs ada beberapa band member yang gue suka namanya Mark Stoermer,Ronnie Vannucc Jr.(the Killers) Jonny Buckland(Coldplay) Nick O'Malley(Arctic Monkeys) and i think i'm going to use their last name for my nickname at msn ;p

Thursday, September 3, 2009


saya lagi tidak puasa looh.hueheheheheh :9

u know what.i miss you so much................................................yes i miss susu kental manis :] udah lama bgt gamakan susu kental manis,susu kental manislah yang berhasil membuat gue jadi gendut karna sekali coba gabakal bisa berenti.gue cuma suka yg vanilla

hm gue udah nyoba beberapa makanan yang gue makan gue tambahin susu kental manis,dan ngga ada satupun yang ngga enak (k)

1.roti + keju + susu kental manis---enak,tapi udah banyak org yg nyoba
2. sosis/nugget/telor dadar + susu kental manis (kadang pake keju)---idem
3.kentang goreng + susu kental manis---enak
4.roti cane + susu kental manis (kadang pake keju)---lebih enak dari roti cane kambing
5.mie goreng/nasi goreng + susu kental manis(setiap sendoknya)---MANTAP!!!
6.kalo ga ada bahan,gadoin aja susu kental manisnya ;p

jadi apa yang kalian tunggu? SERBU SUSU KENTAL MANISNYA! -,- (alay lu)
nomer 5 VERY ROCOMMENDED tapi mungkin lo agak mual,tapi enak buat gua!

and i want this one yummy :9

Wednesday, September 2, 2009


tadi gempa kan? masKindy sama kakHany pada ngga percayaan sama gua. padahal gempanya bikin kebangun gue lagi tidur siang.
(g:gue, k:masKindy, h:kakHany)

g: mas,tadi gempa kan?
k: ha?ngga
g: lah,iya tau gua aja kebangun barusan lagi tidur
k: hahahah ngaco lu
(teriak) Haaaaan............. emangnya tadi gempa?
h: ngga kok
k: masa kata anisa ada gempa
h: ohh..gatau deh
(pokoknya sekitar ini deh omongannya gue lupa)
g: masa sih ngga?
gue yakin tadi

trs kakHany bilang mungkin gue lagi pusing,gue pikir mungkin emg pusing karna kebanyakan tidur daritadi.dan gue baru sadar waktu liat komputer pm orang pada ttg gempa.dan....................... GUA BENER KAN MAS!

oiya.happy birthday 17th ya kakHany,semoga sukses dan langgeng sama masKindy sampe opa oma.amin