Sunday, June 28, 2009

take from rifka

Can you name 30 people you can think of right off the top of your head? Don't read the questions underneath until you write the names of all 30 people. No cheating!

1. Raye
2. Metci
3. Ripkaz
4. Windy
5. mbah Reza bebek si ro
6. Arda
7. Jupe
8. Jonggi
9. Buntelan tai
10. Alip temen 9 taun!
11. Duna
12. Chikze
13. Temcul
14. Tinaaah
15. Sapi
16. Ifan cina
17. Ivan
18. Dita
19. Rikey-A
20. Eca
21. all my Vilorityyyyyyyy
22. all EDS!!!!!!!!
23. Alarm9 :DDDDDD
24. Egooool
25. Dini
26. Puput
27. Adley
28. Ayah
29. Bunda
30. masKindy

• How did you meet 10?
- kita kan temen drari tk ya lip wkwk

• What would you do if you had never met 6?
- ga ada temen windows live paper dong -.-

• What would you do if 20 and 15 dated?
- hahaha masa lesbong

• If you could marry between 6 and 14 who will it be?
- arda gamungkin tinah apalagi masa gue lesbi

• Did you ever like 9?

• Have you ever seen 4 cry?
- udah lah windy gituloh

• Would 4 and 12 make a good couple?
- jangan dong masa lesbi

• Would number 1 and 2 make a good couple?
- buset masa lesbi semua dah

• Describe 8:
-dia sangat sabar walupun sering dikatain trs dia ganteng pake behel wk

• Do you like 12?
- kagak bakal

• Tell me something about 17:
- dia chairmate setiakuuuuuuuuuu walaupun sering kutindas tapi dia tetap sabar dan baik

• What's 7's favorite color?
- kata windy sih biru

• What would you do if 1 just confessed they liked you?
- gue juga suka sama dia kok haha kagak lah -.-

• When was the last time you talked to number 15?
- waktu perpisahan vilority kemaren

• How do you think 19 feels about you?
- gatau ya rik

• What languages does 13 speak?
- indonesia banget! engkel ya tem wkwkwk

• Who is 2 going out with?:
- i wish i can tell you hehe

• What grade is 16 in?
- mau naik kelas 9

• What is 5's favorite music?
- arctic monkeys kan ya mbah

• Would you ever date 3?
- udah sering tau riiip wkwk

• Is 11 single?
- yes,tapi jangan diambil udah ada yg ngejar wk

• What is 10s last name?
- akbar

• Would you ever want to be in a serious relationship with 7?
- udah punya windy coy

• Where does 18 live?
- tebet mana gitu lupa

• What do you think about 20?
- my best cousin

• What is the best thing about 4?
- sabar pokoknya paling gabisa marah

• Is 21 hard-working?
- ada yang iyaaa ada yang ngga

• What would you like to tell 14 right now?
- tin gue mau numpang nge-scan dirumah luuuuuuuuu

• How did you meet 9?
- di 7-5

• What is the best and worst thing about 2?
- best : enak jadi temen curhaaaaat worstnya : ganyantai daaaaaaan angket wkwk

• Are you going to know 3 forever?
- amin

• How long have you known 26?
- dari kelas berapa sd ya kita put

• Who is 24?
- makhluk yang nelfonin gua tiap hari yoi ga gol?

• Are you or did you ever date 28?
- he is my fatheeeeeeeer :D

• Do you have a crush on 27?
- ga dong. gue kan setia wkwk

• Would you kiss 25?

• Have you hugged/kissed 22?
- hug udah kiss beberapa doang

• Is 29 your bff?
- mommmmmmmmmmmmm

• What do you hate about 23?
- i don't know

• What's your relationship with 30?
- siblings

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